A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z 
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a - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Physics.CollisionInfo
actors - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.UI.Page
add(T) - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
addComponent(Component) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Entity
addComponent(Component) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.EntityManager
Don't call manually
addComponents(Component...) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Entity
addEntity(Entity) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.EntityManager
Don't call manually
addItem(Component, RenderLayer) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderingManager
adds item to the list of renderable and adds to the correct layer
addPlunder(int) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
addPoints(int) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
addQuest(Quest) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.QuestManager
addTarget(Ship) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
addTexture(String) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
Schedules an asset for loading Amended for assessment 2: Made the method return void
addTextureAtlas(String) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
Schedules an asset for loading Amended for assessment 2: Made the method return void
addTileMap(String) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
Prefaces name with |TM| followed by the internal index of the tilemap however this isn't required to access this asset
addTrigger(float, Object) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.RigidBody
Adds a new circular fixture to the body as a trigger
AINavigation - Class in com.mygdx.game.Components
Used to control NPCs with steerable for movement and state machines for behaviour
AINavigation - com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentType
AINavigation() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
Creates a simple navigation component
angleBetween(Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities
angleToVector(Vector2, float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
angleToVector(Vector2, float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
Return new vector combining input vector with input angle in radians.
angleToVector(Vector2, float) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities
anyQuests() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.QuestManager
Are there any quests
applyForce(Vector2) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.RigidBody
ASPECT_RATIO - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
AssignPowerUp(PowerUp) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.PowerUpAssigned
Assign a PowerUp, disabling the old one if present.
ATTACK - com.mygdx.game.AI.EnemyState
Attempts to kill the enemy
attackShip(Ship) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.NPCShip
Added for Assessment 2, shoots a cannonball towards the player ship
awake() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Component
Called once before start prior to the update loop.
Awake - com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentEvent


b - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Physics.CollisionInfo
bA - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Physics.CollisionInfo
BACKGROUND_COLOUR - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
bB - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Physics.CollisionInfo
beginContact(Contact) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.CollisionManager
called for every contact that box2d detects prior to collision restitution (doesn't matter if it is a trigger/sensor)
BeginContact(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Building
BeginContact(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.CannonBall
BeginContact(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Obstacle
Takes the collision info and verifies the results of the collision
BeginContact(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.PowerUpPickup
BeginContact(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
BeginContact(CollisionInfo) - Method in interface com.mygdx.game.Physics.CollisionCallBack
Called once a collision has being notices
box2DWorld - Static variable in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.PhysicsManager
Building - Class in com.mygdx.game.Entitys
Buildings that you see in game.
Building(College) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Building
Flags are indestructible and mark college locations.
BUILDING_SCALE - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
buyPowerUp() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUp
Removes plunder from the player in order to apply the power-up to themselves


canAttack() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
if dst to target is less than attack range target will be null if not in aggro range
CannonBall - Class in com.mygdx.game.Entitys
Cannonball entity and the methods to get it flying.
CannonBall() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.CannonBall
Constructs the cannonball object by generating components
changeDifficulty(String) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
Added for assessment 2 loads the part of the json file for the chosen difficulty and overwrites the settings values with these values
changeName(String, String) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.EntityManager
changes the entity's name
checkCompleted() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.QuestManager
Checks quests for completion and gives rewards, teleports the chest when appropriate.
checkCompleted(Player) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.KillQuest
checkCompleted(Player) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.LocateQuest
checkCompleted(Player) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.Quest
Checks if the given player has met the complete condition
CheckPermanent() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUp
Check whether the PowerUp is permanent or temporary.
CheckPowerUpDone() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUp
Check whether a PowerUp is done.
CheckPowerUpDone(Pirate) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUp
Check whether a PowerUp is done, and Disable it if so.
checkProximity(Vector2, Vector2, float) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities
checks the proximity of point a to point b
Chest - Class in com.mygdx.game.Entitys
Added for Assessment 2 in order to implement quest functionality Simple entity shown on locate quests origin
Chest() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Chest
Constructs the Chest object
circleOrigin() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.NPCShip
Added for Assessment 2 Creates a new steering behaviour that will make the NPC circle the college it is attached to (doesn't factor in obstacles)
cleanUp() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Component
Called once after the update loop has finished.
cleanUp() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Renderable
Called once after the update loop has finished.
cleanUp() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.TileMap
Calls the Clean-Up function of the Component class
cleanUp() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Entity
Similar to the Component's cleanUp event
cleanUp() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Player
Cleans up hanging data parts
cleanUp() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.EntityManager
Cleans up all entities and components.
cleanUp() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.PhysicsManager
cleanUp() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderingManager
cleanUp() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
It is imperative that this is called unless you want memory leeks
clear() - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
College - Class in com.mygdx.game.Entitys
Defines a college and its associated buildings.
College() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.College
Creates a college.
College(int) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.College
Creates a college at the location associated with the given faction id.
CollisionCallBack - Interface in com.mygdx.game.Physics
Allows for the callbacks during collision events
CollisionInfo - Class in com.mygdx.game.Physics
Contains collision info consisting of entities, box2d bodies, and fixtures involved.
CollisionInfo(Fixture, Fixture, Body, Body, Entity, Entity) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Physics.CollisionInfo
CollisionManager - Class in com.mygdx.game.Managers
Handles collision callbacks for box2d
CollisionManager() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Managers.CollisionManager
com.mygdx.game - package com.mygdx.game
com.mygdx.game.AI - package com.mygdx.game.AI
com.mygdx.game.Components - package com.mygdx.game.Components
com.mygdx.game.Entitys - package com.mygdx.game.Entitys
com.mygdx.game.Managers - package com.mygdx.game.Managers
com.mygdx.game.Physics - package com.mygdx.game.Physics
com.mygdx.game.PowerUps - package com.mygdx.game.PowerUps
com.mygdx.game.Quests - package com.mygdx.game.Quests
com.mygdx.game.UI - package com.mygdx.game.UI
com.mygdx.utils - package com.mygdx.utils
Component - Class in com.mygdx.game.Components
Base class for the Components
Component() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.Component
sets up the Component
ComponentEvent - Enum in com.mygdx.game.Components
All events that can be called on a component
ComponentType - Enum in com.mygdx.game.Components
Call components that exist
Constants - Class in com.mygdx.utils
creates game constants and is updated when appropriate (I know some aren't technically constants)
Constants() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
contains(Object) - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
contains(ArrayList<T>, T) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities
does array contain a
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
cost - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.AI.Node
create() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
Create instances of game stage and UI screens.
create(Vector2, String) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Building
Creates a building with the given name at the specified location.
CreateActors() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.EndScreen
Create game end screen widgets, initialised to game loss status.
CreateActors() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.GameScreen
Draw UI elements showing player health, plunder, and ammo.
CreateActors() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.MenuScreen
Create menu widgets such as start button, labels, etc.
CreateActors() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.Page
CreateActors() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.PauseScreen
createBody(BodyDef, FixtureDef, Object) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.PhysicsManager
CreateCollege(int) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
Creates the college with it's building for the desired college
createMapCollision(TileMap) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.PhysicsManager
Populates the map with box2D bodies necessary for collisions to happen.
CreateNPCShip(int) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
Creates an NPC ship with the given faction
CreatePlayer() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
Creates player that belongs the faction with id 1
createRandomQuests() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.QuestManager
Creates the quest line with the final quest being to kill a college Changed from private to public in assessment 2 to allow the separation between initialize and creating quests for testing.
CreateWorldMap(int) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
Creates the world map
currentQuest() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.QuestManager
Returns the next un-completed quest


decrement - com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUpOperation
Decrement the key value by an amount.
description - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.Quest
destroy(Faction) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Building
Replace the building with ruins and mark as broken.
difficulty - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
directionToShip(Ship) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.NPCShip
Added for Assessment 2, calculates the direction an Enemy Ship is in
DisablePowerUp(Pirate) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUp
Remove PowerUp modifiers from a Pirate and reset to default.
displacementFromShip(Ship) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.College
Added for Assessment 2
dispose() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Entity
disposes of any components attached to this object
dispose() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
dispose() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
Added for Assessment 2 Calls cleanup function and disposes of remaining assets
dispose() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
Clean up prevent memory leeks
dispose() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.GameScreen
disposed of all stuff it something is missing from this method you will get memory leaks
distanceToTiles(float) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities
distanceToTiles(Vector2) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities
divide - com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUpOperation
Divide the key value by an amount.
Dynamic - com.mygdx.game.Physics.PhysicsBodyType
Effected by all forces (like every thing in real life)


Easy - com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameDifficulty
element() - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
EnablePowerUp(Pirate) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUp
Apply PowerUp modifiers to the Pirate.
end - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
endContact(Contact) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.CollisionManager
called for every contact that box2d detects after collision restitution (doesn't matter if it is a trigger/sensor)
EndContact(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Building
EndContact(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.CannonBall
EndContact(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Obstacle
Sets the obstacle's status as not colliding
EndContact(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.PowerUpPickup
EndContact(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
EndContact(CollisionInfo) - Method in interface com.mygdx.game.Physics.CollisionCallBack
Called after the collision has being solved
EndScreen - Class in com.mygdx.game.UI
Contains widgets defining the game end screen.
EndScreen(PirateGame) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.UI.EndScreen
Creates an End Screen
EnemyState - Enum in com.mygdx.game.AI
State machine used for NPC ships' behaviour
enter(NPCShip) - Method in enum com.mygdx.game.AI.EnemyState
Called when a state is entered
EnterTrigger(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Building
Destroys the building and marks cannonball for removal.
EnterTrigger(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.CannonBall
EnterTrigger(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.NPCShip
if the aggro fixture hit a ship set it as the target
EnterTrigger(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Obstacle
Takes the collision info and verifies the results of the collision
EnterTrigger(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.PowerUpPickup
applies the attached power up to the colliding entity then sets the power up to be hidden next update
EnterTrigger(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
Amended for Assessment 2 (added functionality for when attacked by cannonball) if called on a Player against anything else call it on the other thing
EnterTrigger(CollisionInfo) - Method in interface com.mygdx.game.Physics.CollisionCallBack
Called on the object that enters the trigger
Entity - Class in com.mygdx.game.Entitys
The base class for all entities in the game.
Entity() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Entity
Constructs the base elements of the object
Entity(int) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Entity
Allocates the correct amount of memory for components
EntityManager - Class in com.mygdx.game.Managers
Responsible for Managing the entity and component events.
EntityManager() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Managers.EntityManager
exit(NPCShip) - Method in enum com.mygdx.game.AI.EnemyState
Called when a state is left
ExitTrigger(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Building
ExitTrigger(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.CannonBall
ExitTrigger(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.NPCShip
if a target has left remove it from the potential targets Queue
ExitTrigger(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Obstacle
Sets the obstacle's status as not colliding
ExitTrigger(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.PowerUpPickup
ExitTrigger(CollisionInfo) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
if called on a Player against anything else call it on the other thing
ExitTrigger(CollisionInfo) - Method in interface com.mygdx.game.Physics.CollisionCallBack
Called upon exiting a trigger


f - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.College
fA - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Physics.CollisionInfo
Faction - Class in com.mygdx.game
Represents a faction contains data largly sourced from GameSettings
Faction() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Faction
Faction(String, String, Vector2, Vector2, int) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Faction
Creates a faction with the specified name, colour, and in-game location.
fB - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Physics.CollisionInfo
fire(Entity, Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.CannonBall
Teleport the cannonball in from offscreen and send in flying away from the ship.
Five - com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderLayer
floor(Vector2) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities
floors the vector
followPlayer() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Indicator
Called when updating the position of the Indicator.
followTarget() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.NPCShip
creates a new steering behaviour that will make the NPC beeline for the target (doesn't factor in obstacles)
Four - com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderLayer
FULLSCREEN - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants


game - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
GameDifficulty - Enum in com.mygdx.game.Managers
Transparent always top most then 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 in order of presidency
GameManager - Class in com.mygdx.game.Managers
Responsible for creating most entity's associated with the game.
GameManager() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
GameScreen - Class in com.mygdx.game.UI
GameScreen(PirateGame, int) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.UI.GameScreen
Boots up the actual game: starts PhysicsManager, GameManager, EntityManager, loads texture atlases into ResourceManager.
get() - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
getAmmo() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
getAmmo() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Player
getAngularVelocity() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
getAngularVelocity() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.RigidBody
getAttackDmg() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
Added for Assessment 2
getAttackDmg() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.CannonBall
Added for Assessment 2
getAttackRange() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
getBatch() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderingManager
getBody() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.RigidBody
getBody(int) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.PhysicsManager
getBoundingRadius() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
getCamera() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderingManager
getCollege(int) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
getColleges() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
getColour() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Faction
getComponent(ComponentType) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Entity
gets component of type
getComponent(Class<T>) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Entity
Gets the first component that is of the same type as T
getConnections(Node) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.AI.TileMapGraph
getCost() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.AI.Path
getCost() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUp
getCurrentCannon() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
Added for Assessment 2
getCurrentState() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.NPCShip
getDeltaTime() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.EntityManager
gets the time between the last from and the current
getDescription() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.Quest
getFaction() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
getFaction() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.CannonBall
Added for Assessment 2
getFaction() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.College
Added for Assessment 2
getFaction() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Player
Added for Assessment 2
getFaction() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
Added for Assessment 2
getFaction(int) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
getFromNode() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.AI.Path
getHealth() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
getHealth() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
getI() - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
getId(String) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
only looks for simple assets not specialty ones so largely only textures
getID() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Faction
Added for Assessment 2
getIndex(Node) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.AI.TileMapGraph
getLinearVelocity() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
getLocation() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.LocateQuest
getMaxAngularAcceleration() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
getMaxAngularSpeed() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
getMaxLinearAcceleration() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
getMaxLinearSpeed() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
getName() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Entity
getName() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Faction
getName() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUp
getName() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.Quest
getNode(float, float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.AI.TileMapGraph
Node a position (x, y)
getNodeCount() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.AI.TileMapGraph
getNPCShip(int) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
Get an NPCShip in the current game
getOrientation() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
getOrientation() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
getParent() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Component
getPlayer() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
Player is always in ships at index 0
getPlunder() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
getPlunder() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
getPlunderReward() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.Quest
getPointReward() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.Quest
getPoints() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
getPoints() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
getPosition() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.AI.Node
Position the node exists at
getPosition() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
getPosition() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.RigidBody
Gets the current player position.
getPosition() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
getPosition() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.College
Added for Assessment 2
getPosition() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
getPosition() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Faction
getRotation() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
getScale() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
getSettings() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
Gets the setting object from the GameSetting.json
getShips() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
getSpawnPos() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Faction
getSprite() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Renderable
getSprite(int, String) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
getTarget() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
getTarget() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.KillQuest
Added for Assessment 2
getTargets() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
getTexture(int) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
getTexture(String) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
getTextureAtlas(int) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
getTextureAtlas(String) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
getTileDim() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.TileMap
getTileMap() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.TileMap
getTileMap() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.WorldMap
getTileMap(int) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
Gets the tile map returns null if not a tile map
getToNode() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.AI.Path
getType() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Component
getValue(String) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
// New for assessment 2 // Get a Pirate value.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
// New for assessment 2 // Get a Pirate value.
getVelocity() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.RigidBody
getZeroLinearSpeedThreshold() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation


HALF_DIMENSIONS - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
HALF_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
HALF_VIEWPORT_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
Hard - com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameDifficulty
hide() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Renderable
Changes the visibility to inactive
hide() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.MenuScreen
Hides the Menu Screen
hide() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.Page
Called once the page is hidden.


id - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Faction
id_map - Static variable in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
increment - com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUpOperation
Increment the key value by an amount.
Indicator - Class in com.mygdx.game.Entitys
Added for Assessment 2 in order to increase visual clarity on Kill Quests
Indicator(KillQuest) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Indicator
Creates an indicator attached to a kill quest and targeting a college
INIT_CONSTANTS() - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
Create constants needed so it can properly source screen dimensions
Initialize() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.EntityManager
Should only be called once although if it isn't called at all it will be called automatically
Initialize() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.PhysicsManager
Initialize() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.QuestManager
Initialize() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderingManager
Initialize() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
The equivalent to a constructor
Initialize(boolean) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.PhysicsManager
Draw the box2D world with debug borders shown.
Initialize(GameDifficulty) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
facilitates creation of the game
initialized - Static variable in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.PhysicsManager
isAggro() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
if dst to target is >= attack range target will be null if not in aggro range
isAlive - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
isAlive() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
isAlive() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Building
isAlive() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.College
True as long as unharmed buildings remain, false otherwise.
isAlive() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
isCompleted - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.Quest
isCompleted() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.Quest
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
isTagged() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
isVisible() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Renderable
iterator() - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO


kill() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
Kill its self
kill() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.CannonBall
Marks cannonball for removal on next update.
kill() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Obstacle
Sets the obstacle to be removed on next update
KillQuest - Class in com.mygdx.game.Quests
A Quest to kill a college is only complete once that college is dead
KillQuest() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Quests.KillQuest
Creates a Kill Quest, with all the base attributes filled in with templates
KillQuest(Pirate) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Quests.KillQuest
Creates a Kill Quest
KillQuest(Entity) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Quests.KillQuest
Creates a Kill Quest
killThisCollege(Faction) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.College
Added for Assessment 2 Systematically kills each building attached to this college, then marks the college as dead.
Kinematic - com.mygdx.game.Physics.PhysicsBodyType
Not effected by forces but can move


loadAssets() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
Actually loads the assets
LoadGame() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.SaveManager
Added for assessment 2 loads the preferences file and sets the difficulty of the saved game
LoadGame() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
New for assessment 2 Loads the game from the saved data
loadResources() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
Added for Assessment 2 Modularized resource loading, so it can be called from tests and for code clarity
LocateQuest - Class in com.mygdx.game.Quests
Competed once the player has gone to a specific position
LocateQuest() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Quests.LocateQuest
Creates a Location Quest, with all the base attributes filled in with templates
LocateQuest(Vector2, float) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Quests.LocateQuest
The loc to go to and radius that the play has to be in to complete it


menu - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
MenuScreen - Class in com.mygdx.game.UI
Contains widgets defining the start-of-game menu screen.
MenuScreen(PirateGame) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.UI.MenuScreen
Creates a Menu Screen
multiply - com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUpOperation
Multiply the key value by an amount.
multValue(String, float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
// New for assessment 2 // Multiply a value for Pirate while holding reference to what it was originally.


name - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.Quest
newLocation() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
newLocation() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
Node - Class in com.mygdx.game.AI
A node in the A* pathfinding graph
Node(float, float) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.AI.Node
Position the node exists at
NPCShip - Class in com.mygdx.game.Entitys
NPC ship entity class.
NPCShip() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.NPCShip
Creates an initial state machine Changed for Assessment 2: - Added lastShootTime to store the time when the ship last attacked


Obstacle - Class in com.mygdx.game.Entitys
// Added for Assessment 2 Requirements // A class for obstacles in the game world, both trigger or contact.
Obstacle(String, boolean, float) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Obstacle
Generate an obstacle which only triggers a hit on initial collision and does not break.
Obstacle(String, boolean, float, float, int) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Obstacle
Generate an obstacle.
OBSTACLE - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.TileMapCells
ObstacleControl - Class in com.mygdx.game.Components
// Added for Assessment 2 Requirements // Makes an Entity act as an Obstacle to the Player, causing damage upon collision in a variety of differing ways.
ObstacleControl(float, float, int) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.ObstacleControl
Generate an obstacle controller component.
offer(T) - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
Not implemented
One - com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderLayer
onMessage(NPCShip, Telegram) - Method in enum com.mygdx.game.AI.EnemyState
not used
OPERATING_SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants


Page - Class in com.mygdx.game.UI
Base class for UI screens.
Page(PirateGame) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.UI.Page
Creates a Page Object
parent - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Component
PASSABLE - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.TileMapCells
Path - Class in com.mygdx.game.AI
The path that exists between 2 nodes not bidirectional
Path(Node, Node) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.AI.Path
Creates a path from F to T
pause - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
PauseScreen - Class in com.mygdx.game.UI
New for Assessment 2, added to allow the addition of a restart button without causing screen clutter.
PauseScreen(PirateGame) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.UI.PauseScreen
Creates a Pause Screen
peek() - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
PHYSICS_TIME_STEP - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
PhysicsBodyType - Enum in com.mygdx.game.Physics
PhysicsManager - Class in com.mygdx.game.Managers
Manages the box2D world and bodies for the collision detection and physics
PhysicsManager() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Managers.PhysicsManager
Pirate - Class in com.mygdx.game.Components
Gives the concepts of health plunder, etc.
Pirate - com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentType
Pirate() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
Creates the base Pirate Component, setting up its initial values
PirateGame - Class in com.mygdx.game
Contains class instances of game UI screens.
PirateGame() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
pixmap - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.UI.GameScreen
Player - Class in com.mygdx.game.Entitys
Player's ship entity.
Player() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Player
Adds ship with PlayerController component, loading its speed from GameManager settings.
PlayerController - Class in com.mygdx.game.Components
Responsible for the keyboard/mouse control of the player
PlayerController - com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentType
PlayerController() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.PlayerController
Creates the base PlayerController Component, setting up its initial values
PlayerController(Player, float) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.PlayerController
plunder(int) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
plunderReward - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.Quest
pointReward - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Quests.Quest
points(int) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
poll() - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
pop() - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
postSolve(Contact, ContactImpulse) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.CollisionManager
PowerUp - Class in com.mygdx.game.PowerUps
// Assessment 2 requirement // A PowerUp that can modify the value of any Ship for a limited or permanent amount of time.
PowerUp(JsonValue) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUp
Create a PowerUp from the settings file
PowerUp(String, PowerUpOperation, float, int, int) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUp
Create a PowerUp manually, used for testing.
PowerUpAssigned - Class in com.mygdx.game.Components
// Assessment 2 addition // For PowerUp requirement, Holds the current PowerUp and manages it.
PowerUpAssigned() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.PowerUpAssigned
powerUpButtons - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.UI.GameScreen
PowerUpOperation - Enum in com.mygdx.game.PowerUps
// Assessment 2 addition // For PowerUp requirement
PowerUpPickup - Class in com.mygdx.game.Entitys
Added for Assessment 2 Simple entity shown on locate quests origin
PowerUpPickup(PowerUp, String, Vector2, int) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.PowerUpPickup
Generate an obstacle.
preSolve(Contact, Manifold) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.CollisionManager
PURSUE - com.mygdx.game.AI.EnemyState
Tries to get into attack range of the player


Quest - Class in com.mygdx.game.Quests
Base class for all quests facilitates the checking of completion
Quest() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Quests.Quest
Constructs a quest with base values filled in
QuestManager - Class in com.mygdx.game.Managers
Creates the quests and manages their completion and order
QuestManager() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Managers.QuestManager
QueueFIFO<T> - Class in com.mygdx.utils
A First in first out queue
QueueFIFO() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
Initialize all properties


raiseEvents(ComponentEvent...) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Entity
Raises the appropriate events on each component with exception to rendering
raiseEvents(ComponentEvent...) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.EntityManager
raises the appropriate events for each entity's component.
randomChoice(ArrayList<T>) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities
Chooses a random element
randomPos(float, float) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities
Random Vec2 in range
Regular - com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameDifficulty
remove() - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
remove(int) - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
remove(Object) - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
removeTarget() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
render() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Component
Called once per frame used exclusively for rendering
render() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Renderable
Checks if the sprite exists and should be visible, then renders it
render() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.TileMap
draws the first 2 layers
render() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderingManager
Renders all items in accordance with their layers on one sprite batch
render(float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.GameScreen
Called every frame calls all other functions that need to be called every frame by raising events and update methods
render(float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.Page
draws the stage and acts upon it also calls update
Render - com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentEvent
Renderable - Class in com.mygdx.game.Components
Add the ability for the object to be shown
Renderable - com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentType
Renderable() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.Renderable
Called in other constructors, loads no textures by itself.
Renderable(int, RenderLayer) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.Renderable
Associates Renderable with the given texture sprite and layer.
Renderable(int, String, RenderLayer) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.Renderable
Associates Renderable with the given sprite from a texture atlas and a layer.
RenderingManager - Class in com.mygdx.game.Managers
Responsible for all rending.
RenderingManager() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderingManager
RenderLayer - Enum in com.mygdx.game.Managers
Transparent always top most then 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 in order of presidency
replace - com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUpOperation
Replace the key value with a new value.
reqsMet - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Component
requirements - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Component
resetToDefault(String) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
// New for assessment 2 // Reset a Pirate value to what it originally was.
resetToDefault(String) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
// New for assessment 2 // Reset a Pirate value to what it originally was.
resize(int, int) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.EndScreen
Resizes the viewport
resize(int, int) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.GameScreen
Resize camera, effectively setting the viewport to display game assets at pixel ratios other than 1:1.
resize(int, int) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.MenuScreen
Resizes the viewport
resize(int, int) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.Page
Called once the window is resized - updates constants and stage
resize(int, int) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.PauseScreen
Resizes the viewport
ResourceManager - Class in com.mygdx.game.Managers
Manages all assets and disposes of them when appropriate
ResourceManager() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Managers.ResourceManager
restartGame() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
New for assessment 2 Restarts the game by reinitialising the Managers and creating a new instance of GameScreen
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
RigidBody - Class in com.mygdx.game.Components
Defines parameters related to collisions of sprites.
RigidBody - com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentType
RigidBody() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.RigidBody
Sets up the base values of the RigidBody component
RigidBody(PhysicsBodyType, Renderable, Transform) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.RigidBody
Calls constructor with is trigger false
RigidBody(PhysicsBodyType, Renderable, Transform, boolean) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.RigidBody
Can create body that is trigger or callable
rotateSprite() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Indicator
Called when rotating the sprite of the Indicator.
round(Vector2) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities


SaveGame() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.SaveManager
Added for assessment 2 Saves the state of the game.
SaveManager - Class in com.mygdx.game.Managers
Added for assessment 2 Manges the saving of the game
SaveManager() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Managers.SaveManager
scale(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities
scale(Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities
SCREEN_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
SCREEN_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
set(float, float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.AI.Node
Sets position
set(ArrayList<T>) - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
setAmmo(int) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
setBehavior(SteeringBehavior<Vector2>) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
setButtons(ArrayList<TextButton>) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.PlayerController
setCallback(CollisionCallBack) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.RigidBody
Is used during collision phase to add more functionality
setCurrentQuest(String) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.QuestManager
added for assessment 2 sets the current quest to the one that corresponds to a given name.
setDifficulty(String) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
New for assessment 2 Changes the difficulty for the game by changing the enum and calling GameManager.getSettings()
setFaction(int) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
Associates ship with faction and orients it to the default northern direction.
setFactionId(int) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
setInfiniteAmmo(boolean) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
Added for Assessment 2, sets whether the pirate can ignore ammo costs for firing
setMaxAngularAcceleration(float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
setMaxAngularSpeed(float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
setMaxLinearAcceleration(float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
setMaxLinearSpeed(float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
setMostRecentAttacker(Faction) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.College
Added for Assessment 2 Sets the Faction which most recently attacked this College
setName(String) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Entity
Sets the name of the entity
setOrientation(float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
setOrientation(float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
setParent(Entity) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Component
setPosition(float, float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
Set position associated with the Transform component.
setPosition(float, float, boolean) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
Set position associated with the Transform component.
setPosition(Vector2) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.RigidBody
Sets the center pos of the object
setPosition(Vector2) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
Set position associated with the Transform component.
setPosition(Vector2) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Chest
setPosition(Vector2, boolean) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
Set position associated with the Transform component.
setRequirements(ComponentType...) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Component
Sets the required components
setRotation(float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
setScale(float, float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
Sets the scale of the component
setScreen(Screen) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
New for assessment 2 new version of setScreen to stop the game screen being deleted before a new screen is set if the new screen is pause.
setShipDirection(Vector2) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
will rotate the ship to face the direction (just changes the sprite doesn't actually rotate)
setShipDirection(String) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
will rotate the ship to face the direction (just changes the sprite doesn't actually rotate)
setTagged(boolean) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
setTexture(Sprite) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Renderable
Assigns a new texture compatible with textures sourced from atlas
setValue(String, float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
// New for assessment 2 // Set a new value for Pirate while holding reference to what it was originally.
setVelocity(float, float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.RigidBody
setVelocity(Vector2) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.RigidBody
setZeroLinearSpeedThreshold(float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
Ship - Class in com.mygdx.game.Entitys
Base class for game ships, Player & NPC.
Ship() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
Creates a ship entity, containing Transform, Renderable, RigidBody, and Pirate components.
shipDirections - Static variable in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
shoot() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
Calls shoot method with the current direction as parameter
shoot(Vector2) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
Changed for Assessment 2: - Removed functionality and replaced with function call to a different function, to allow for differentiation between when a start position is or isn't provided.
shoot(Vector2) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Ship
Calls shoot method of internal component
shoot(Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
Added for Assessment 2 Will shoot a cannonball from the startPos in the direction, assigning this.Parent as the cannonball's parent
shoot(Vector2, Vector2) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.College
Added for Assessment 2 to meet requirements Calls shoot function of internal component
shoot(Entity, Vector2, Vector2) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
Utilises the cached cannonballs to fire one Changed for Assessment 2, separated incrementer for visual clarity and parameterised startPos
show() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Renderable
Changes the visibility to active
show() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.EndScreen
Get player stats such as plunder etc.
show() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.MenuScreen
Shows the Menu Screen
show() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.Page
Called once the page is show sets input handler and adds actors
size() - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
skin - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
SpawnGame() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.SaveManager
Added for assessment 2 loads the state of the ships and colleges and sets the current quest
SpawnGame(int) - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
Creates the game with player maps, NPCs, colleges // Change for Assessment 2 Start // Only creates world map if mapId is non-negative For test purposes // Change for Assessment 2 End //
sprite - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Renderable
stage - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
start() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Component
Called once after awake but prior to the update loop.
Start - com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentEvent
StartGame() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.PirateGame
Added for assessment 2 so that the game doesn't start until after the difficulty has been chosen by the player
stateMachine - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.NPCShip
Static - com.mygdx.game.Physics.PhysicsBodyType
Has infinite mass doesn't move at all
stop() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
Stops all motion
stopMovement() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.NPCShip
stops all movement and sets the behaviour to null


takeDamage(float) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Pirate
Deducts damage taken from Pirate's health and kills the pirate if that reduces health to less than or equal to 0
Text - com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentType
Three - com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderLayer
TILE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
TileMap - Class in com.mygdx.game.Components
Component that allows the rendering of tile-maps (has its own sprite batch)
TileMap - com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentType
TileMap(int, RenderLayer) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.TileMap
TileMapCells - Class in com.mygdx.utils
The id of tiles in the tiled map that should be considered an obstacle or not will need to be changed when the tiled map is changed dramatically
TileMapCells() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.utils.TileMapCells
TileMapGraph - Class in com.mygdx.game.AI
The Graphical representation of the tilemap with each cell being bidirectionally to the adjacent nodes.
TileMapGraph(TiledMap) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.AI.TileMapGraph
Creates a Graph from the given tilemap
tilesToDistance(float) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities
tilesToDistance(Vector2) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities
toArray() - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
toArray(T1[]) - Method in class com.mygdx.utils.QueueFIFO
Transform - Class in com.mygdx.game.Components
Position, Scale, Rotation (in radians clockwise)
Transform - com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentType
Transform() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
position = (0, 0) scale = (0, 0) rotation = 0 rot not used but easy to add functionality for
Transparent - com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderLayer
TryHit(CollisionInfo, boolean) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.ObstacleControl
Attempts to perform a collision action
Two - com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderLayer
type - Variable in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Component


Unknown - com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentType
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
Called once per frame.
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Component
Called once per frame
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.PlayerController
Amended for Assessment 2, added check for Shop UI elements being pressed before shooting Reads keyboard and mouse inputs, moving and shooting as required.
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.PowerUpAssigned
Each frame checks if the assigned PowerUp is done, and deactivates as necessary.
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Renderable
Locates the sprite at the position of the parent's Transform component.
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.RigidBody
Called every frame translates the transform to match with the box2d body's position factoring offset
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.TileMap
Updates the renderer's view with the rendering camera
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.CannonBall
Called once per frame
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.College
Runs once per frame Changed for Assessment 2: - Added checks for if the college is in a specific range of the player - Added functionality where the college shoots at the player if on opposing factions and in range.
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Entity
Similar to the Component's update event
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Indicator
Called once per frame
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.NPCShip
Amended for Assessment 2: Added check for life and kills stateMachine and ship in case of death updates the state machine
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Obstacle
Runs once per frame
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Player
Is run once per frame
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.PowerUpPickup
Called once per frame
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Weather
Called once every frame
update() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameManager
called every frame checks id the quests are completed
update() - Static method in class com.mygdx.game.Managers.PhysicsManager
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.EndScreen
Called Once per Frame
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.GameScreen
Update the UI with new values for health, quest status, etc.
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.Page
Called once per frame
update() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.PauseScreen
Called Once per frame
update(NPCShip) - Method in enum com.mygdx.game.AI.EnemyState
Called every from for every NPC ship (there or there abouts)
Update - com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentEvent
UPDATE_VIEWPORT(int, int) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
Update viewport data on resize
updateGradient() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Indicator
Called when updating the gradient of the Indicator.
Utilities - Class in com.mygdx.utils
Helper functions
Utilities() - Constructor for class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mygdx.game.AI.EnemyState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentEvent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameDifficulty
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderLayer
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mygdx.game.Physics.PhysicsBodyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUpOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.mygdx.game.AI.EnemyState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mygdx.game.Components.ComponentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mygdx.game.Managers.GameDifficulty
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mygdx.game.Managers.RenderLayer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mygdx.game.Physics.PhysicsBodyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mygdx.game.PowerUps.PowerUpOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
vectorToAngle(Vector2) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.AINavigation
vectorToAngle(Vector2) - Method in class com.mygdx.game.Components.Transform
Return new angle in radians from input vector.
vectorToAngle(Vector2) - Static method in class com.mygdx.utils.Utilities
VIEWPORT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
VIEWPORT_TITLE - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
VIEWPORT_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
VSYNC - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants


WANDER - com.mygdx.game.AI.EnemyState
Picks random pos and travels to it
Weather - Class in com.mygdx.game.Entitys
Added for Assessment 2 in order to meet weather condition requirements
Weather(float, float) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.Weather
Creates a Weather Object
win() - Method in class com.mygdx.game.UI.EndScreen
Set game end screen status to report a win.
WorldMap - Class in com.mygdx.game.Entitys
The world map
WorldMap(int) - Constructor for class com.mygdx.game.Entitys.WorldMap
Creates the World Map


ZOOM - Static variable in class com.mygdx.utils.Constants
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