Class Indicator

  • public class Indicator
    extends Entity
    Added for Assessment 2 in order to increase visual clarity on Kill Quests
    • Constructor Detail

      • Indicator

        public Indicator​(KillQuest kq)
        Creates an indicator attached to a kill quest and targeting a college
        kq - the Kill Quest this indicator is attached to
    • Method Detail

      • update

        public void update()
        Called once per frame
        update in class Entity
      • updateGradient

        public com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 updateGradient()
        Called when updating the gradient of the Indicator.
      • followPlayer

        public void followPlayer()
        Called when updating the position of the Indicator.
      • rotateSprite

        public void rotateSprite()
        Called when rotating the sprite of the Indicator.