Class KillQuest

  • public class KillQuest
    extends Quest
    A Quest to kill a college is only complete once that college is dead
    • Constructor Detail

      • KillQuest

        public KillQuest()
        Creates a Kill Quest, with all the base attributes filled in with templates
      • KillQuest

        public KillQuest​(Pirate target)
        Creates a Kill Quest
        target - The Pirate which needs to be defeated for the quest
      • KillQuest

        public KillQuest​(Entity target)
        Creates a Kill Quest
        target - The Entity which needs to be defeated for the quest
    • Method Detail

      • checkCompleted

        public boolean checkCompleted​(Player p)
        Description copied from class: Quest
        Checks if the given player has met the complete condition
        Specified by:
        checkCompleted in class Quest
        p - the player
        The completion status of the quest
      • getTarget

        public Pirate getTarget()
        Added for Assessment 2
        the target of this quest