Class Pirate

  • public class Pirate
    extends Component
    Gives the concepts of health plunder, etc. Allows for firing of cannonballs, factions, death, targets
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Creates the base Pirate Component, setting up its initial values
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addPlunder​(int money)  
      void addPoints​(int increment)  
      void addTarget​(Ship target)  
      boolean canAttack()
      if dst to target is less than attack range target will be null if not in aggro range
      int getAmmo()  
      java.lang.Float getAttackDmg()
      Added for Assessment 2
      Faction getFaction()  
      int getHealth()  
      int getPlunder()  
      int getPoints()  
      Ship getTarget()  
      QueueFIFO<Ship> getTargets()  
      float getValue​(java.lang.String key)
      // New for assessment 2 // Get a Pirate value.
      boolean isAggro()
      if dst to target is >= attack range target will be null if not in aggro range
      boolean isAlive()  
      void kill()
      Kill its self
      void multValue​(java.lang.String key, float mult)
      // New for assessment 2 // Multiply a value for Pirate while holding reference to what it was originally.
      void removeTarget()  
      void resetToDefault​(java.lang.String key)
      // New for assessment 2 // Reset a Pirate value to what it originally was.
      void setAmmo​(int ammo)  
      void setFactionId​(int factionId)  
      void setInfiniteAmmo​(boolean status)
      Added for Assessment 2, sets whether the pirate can ignore ammo costs for firing
      void setValue​(java.lang.String key, float value)
      // New for assessment 2 // Set a new value for Pirate while holding reference to what it was originally.
      void shoot​(com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 direction)
      Changed for Assessment 2: - Removed functionality and replaced with function call to a different function, to allow for differentiation between when a start position is or isn't provided.
      void shoot​(com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 startPos, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 direction)
      Added for Assessment 2 Will shoot a cannonball from the startPos in the direction, assigning this.Parent as the cannonball's parent
      void takeDamage​(float dmg)
      Deducts damage taken from Pirate's health and kills the pirate if that reduces health to less than or equal to 0
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • isAlive

        protected boolean isAlive
    • Constructor Detail

      • Pirate

        public Pirate()
        Creates the base Pirate Component, setting up its initial values
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public float getValue​(java.lang.String key)
        // New for assessment 2 // Get a Pirate value.
        key - The value to get
        The value
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(java.lang.String key,
                             float value)
        // New for assessment 2 // Set a new value for Pirate while holding reference to what it was originally.
        key - The value to set to
        value - The float to apply
      • multValue

        public void multValue​(java.lang.String key,
                              float mult)
        // New for assessment 2 // Multiply a value for Pirate while holding reference to what it was originally.
        key - The value to multiply
        mult - The multiplication factor
      • resetToDefault

        public void resetToDefault​(java.lang.String key)
        // New for assessment 2 // Reset a Pirate value to what it originally was.
        key - The value to reset
      • addTarget

        public void addTarget​(Ship target)
        target - The Ship to be added to the list of potential targets
      • getPlunder

        public int getPlunder()
        the plunder value attached to this pirate
      • getPoints

        public int getPoints()
        the points value attached to this pirate
      • addPlunder

        public void addPlunder​(int money)
        money - The integer value to be added to the pirate's stored plunder amount
      • addPoints

        public void addPoints​(int increment)
        increment - The integer value to be added to the pirate's stored point amount
      • getFaction

        public Faction getFaction()
        the Faction value attached to this pirate
      • setFactionId

        public void setFactionId​(int factionId)
        factionId - The ID of the faction to set this pirate to
      • setInfiniteAmmo

        public void setInfiniteAmmo​(boolean status)
        Added for Assessment 2, sets whether the pirate can ignore ammo costs for firing
        status - boolean value to set infiniteAmmo to
      • getAttackDmg

        public java.lang.Float getAttackDmg()
        Added for Assessment 2
        the damage dealt by attacks from this unit
      • takeDamage

        public void takeDamage​(float dmg)
        Deducts damage taken from Pirate's health and kills the pirate if that reduces health to less than or equal to 0
        dmg - The float value to be removed from this pirate's health total
      • shoot

        public void shoot​(com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 direction)
        Changed for Assessment 2: - Removed functionality and replaced with function call to a different function, to allow for differentiation between when a start position is or isn't provided.
        direction - the direction to shoot in
      • shoot

        public void shoot​(com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 startPos,
                          com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 direction)
        Added for Assessment 2 Will shoot a cannonball from the startPos in the direction, assigning this.Parent as the cannonball's parent
        direction - the direction to shoot in
      • getHealth

        public int getHealth()
        the health value attached to this pirate
      • canAttack

        public boolean canAttack()
        if dst to target is less than attack range target will be null if not in aggro range
      • isAggro

        public boolean isAggro()
        if dst to target is >= attack range target will be null if not in aggro range
      • getTarget

        public Ship getTarget()
        the current target value attached to this pirate
      • isAlive

        public boolean isAlive()
        the boolean alive value attached to this pirate
      • kill

        public void kill()
        Kill its self
      • setAmmo

        public void setAmmo​(int ammo)
        ammo - The integer to be added to the amount of ammo this pirate has access to
      • getAmmo

        public int getAmmo()
        the ammo value attached to this pirate
      • removeTarget

        public void removeTarget()