Class Renderable

  • public class Renderable
    extends Component
    Add the ability for the object to be shown
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Called in other constructors, loads no textures by itself.
      Renderable​(int texId, RenderLayer layer)
      Associates Renderable with the given texture sprite and layer.
      Renderable​(int atlasId, java.lang.String texName, RenderLayer layer)
      Associates Renderable with the given sprite from a texture atlas and a layer.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void cleanUp()
      Called once after the update loop has finished. getSprite()  
      void hide()
      Changes the visibility to inactive
      boolean isVisible()  
      void render()
      Checks if the sprite exists and should be visible, then renders it
      void setTexture​( s)
      Assigns a new texture compatible with textures sourced from atlas
      void show()
      Changes the visibility to active
      void update()
      Locates the sprite at the position of the parent's Transform component.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • sprite

        protected sprite
    • Constructor Detail

      • Renderable

        public Renderable()
        Called in other constructors, loads no textures by itself.
      • Renderable

        public Renderable​(int texId,
                          RenderLayer layer)
        Associates Renderable with the given texture sprite and layer.
        texId - the id of the texture the sprite will take on
        layer - the rendering layer
      • Renderable

        public Renderable​(int atlasId,
                          java.lang.String texName,
                          RenderLayer layer)
        Associates Renderable with the given sprite from a texture atlas and a layer.
        atlasId - the id of the texture atlas containing the sprite
        texName - the name of the texture the sprite will take on
        layer - the rendering layer
    • Method Detail

      • update

        public void update()
        Locates the sprite at the position of the parent's Transform component.
        update in class Component
      • render

        public void render()
        Checks if the sprite exists and should be visible, then renders it
        render in class Component
      • cleanUp

        public void cleanUp()
        Called once after the update loop has finished.
        cleanUp in class Component
      • getSprite

        public getSprite()
        the Sprite for this object
      • setTexture

        public void setTexture​( s)
        Assigns a new texture compatible with textures sourced from atlas
        s - the sprite contain the texture
      • isVisible

        public boolean isVisible()
        whether the object should currently be visible
      • show

        public void show()
        Changes the visibility to active
      • hide

        public void hide()
        Changes the visibility to inactive