Class GameManager

  • public final class GameManager
    extends java.lang.Object
    Responsible for creating most entity's associated with the game. Also, the cached chest and cannonballs
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void changeDifficulty​(java.lang.String difficulty)
      Added for assessment 2 loads the part of the json file for the chosen difficulty and overwrites the settings values with these values
      static void CreateCollege​(int factionId)
      Creates the college with it's building for the desired college
      static NPCShip CreateNPCShip​(int factionId)
      Creates an NPC ship with the given faction
      static void CreatePlayer()
      Creates player that belongs the faction with id 1
      static void CreateWorldMap​(int mapId)
      Creates the world map
      static void dispose()  
      static College getCollege​(int factionId)  
      static java.util.ArrayList<College> getColleges()  
      static CannonBall getCurrentCannon()
      Added for Assessment 2
      static Faction getFaction​(int factionId)  
      static NPCShip getNPCShip​(int id)
      Get an NPCShip in the current game
      static Player getPlayer()
      Player is always in ships at index 0
      static com.badlogic.gdx.utils.JsonValue getSettings()
      Gets the setting object from the GameSetting.json
      static java.util.ArrayList<Ship> getShips()  
      static void Initialize​(GameDifficulty difficulty)
      facilitates creation of the game
      static void shoot​(Entity p, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 pos, com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 dir)
      Utilises the cached cannonballs to fire one Changed for Assessment 2, separated incrementer for visual clarity and parameterised startPos
      static void SpawnGame​(int mapId)
      Creates the game with player maps, NPCs, colleges // Change for Assessment 2 Start // Only creates world map if mapId is non-negative For test purposes // Change for Assessment 2 End //
      static void update()
      called every frame checks id the quests are completed
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • GameManager

        public GameManager()
    • Method Detail

      • Initialize

        public static void Initialize​(GameDifficulty difficulty)
        facilitates creation of the game
        difficulty - contains the ENUM for the difficulty that has been selected
      • changeDifficulty

        public static void changeDifficulty​(java.lang.String difficulty)
        Added for assessment 2 loads the part of the json file for the chosen difficulty and overwrites the settings values with these values
        difficulty - the chosen difficulty as a string
      • update

        public static void update()
        called every frame checks id the quests are completed
      • getPlayer

        public static Player getPlayer()
        Player is always in ships at index 0
        the ship
      • getNPCShip

        public static NPCShip getNPCShip​(int id)
        Get an NPCShip in the current game
        id - the ship's ID
        the NPCShip instance
      • SpawnGame

        public static void SpawnGame​(int mapId)
        Creates the game with player maps, NPCs, colleges // Change for Assessment 2 Start // Only creates world map if mapId is non-negative For test purposes // Change for Assessment 2 End //
        mapId - the resource id of the tilemap
      • CreatePlayer

        public static void CreatePlayer()
        Creates player that belongs the faction with id 1
      • CreateNPCShip

        public static NPCShip CreateNPCShip​(int factionId)
        Creates an NPC ship with the given faction
        factionId - desired faction
        the created ship
      • CreateWorldMap

        public static void CreateWorldMap​(int mapId)
        Creates the world map
        mapId - resource id
      • CreateCollege

        public static void CreateCollege​(int factionId)
        Creates the college with it's building for the desired college
        factionId - desired faction
      • getFaction

        public static Faction getFaction​(int factionId)
      • getSettings

        public static com.badlogic.gdx.utils.JsonValue getSettings()
        Gets the setting object from the GameSetting.json
        the JSON representation fo settings
      • getCollege

        public static College getCollege​(int factionId)
      • getCurrentCannon

        public static CannonBall getCurrentCannon()
        Added for Assessment 2
        Returns the next cannonball that would be fired from the cache
      • shoot

        public static void shoot​(Entity p,
                                 com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 pos,
                                 com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2 dir)
        Utilises the cached cannonballs to fire one Changed for Assessment 2, separated incrementer for visual clarity and parameterised startPos
        p - parent
        pos - position projectile is spawned at
        dir - shoot direction
      • getShips

        public static java.util.ArrayList<Ship> getShips()
      • getColleges

        public static java.util.ArrayList<College> getColleges()
      • dispose

        public static void dispose()