Class ResourceManager

  • public final class ResourceManager
    extends java.lang.Object
    Manages all assets and disposes of them when appropriate
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void addTexture​(java.lang.String fPath)
      Schedules an asset for loading Amended for assessment 2: Made the method return void
      static void addTextureAtlas​(java.lang.String fPath)
      Schedules an asset for loading Amended for assessment 2: Made the method return void
      static int addTileMap​(java.lang.String fPath)
      Prefaces name with |TM| followed by the internal index of the tilemap however this isn't required to access this asset
      static void cleanUp()
      It is imperative that this is called unless you want memory leeks
      static void dispose()
      Added for Assessment 2 Calls cleanup function and disposes of remaining assets
      static int getId​(java.lang.String name)
      only looks for simple assets not specialty ones so largely only textures
      static getSprite​(int atlas_id, java.lang.String name)  
      static getTexture​(int id)  
      static getTexture​(java.lang.String fPath)  
      static getTextureAtlas​(int id)  
      static getTextureAtlas​(java.lang.String fPath)  
      static com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMap getTileMap​(int id)
      Gets the tile map returns null if not a tile map
      static void Initialize()
      The equivalent to a constructor
      static void loadAssets()
      Actually loads the assets
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResourceManager

        public ResourceManager()
    • Method Detail

      • Initialize

        public static void Initialize()
        The equivalent to a constructor
      • addTexture

        public static void addTexture​(java.lang.String fPath)
        Schedules an asset for loading Amended for assessment 2: Made the method return void
        fPath - the file path of the asset
      • addTextureAtlas

        public static void addTextureAtlas​(java.lang.String fPath)
        Schedules an asset for loading Amended for assessment 2: Made the method return void
        fPath - the file path of the asset
      • addTileMap

        public static int addTileMap​(java.lang.String fPath)
        Prefaces name with |TM| followed by the internal index of the tilemap however this isn't required to access this asset
        fPath - the file location of the asset
        id of the asset
      • loadAssets

        public static void loadAssets()
        Actually loads the assets
      • getTexture

        public static getTexture​(java.lang.String fPath)
      • getTextureAtlas

        public static getTextureAtlas​(java.lang.String fPath)
      • getTexture

        public static getTexture​(int id)
      • getTextureAtlas

        public static getTextureAtlas​(int id)
      • getSprite

        public static getSprite​(int atlas_id,
                                                                     java.lang.String name)
        atlas_id - the id of the source texture atlas
        name - the name of the texture
        the found Sprite in the given atlas
      • getTileMap

        public static com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMap getTileMap​(int id)
        Gets the tile map returns null if not a tile map
        id - the id of the tile map
        the tile map
      • getId

        public static int getId​(java.lang.String name)
        only looks for simple assets not specialty ones so largely only textures
        name - the desired asset name
        the id of the asset found if found
      • cleanUp

        public static void cleanUp()
        It is imperative that this is called unless you want memory leeks
      • dispose

        public static void dispose()
        Added for Assessment 2 Calls cleanup function and disposes of remaining assets