Use Case

Bass2 - Engineering 1 - Team 14

Use Case

Below can be found the intended use case for our game.

Primary Actor: Prospective student (User)
Supporting actors: Staff, Ambassadors
Trigger: Staff offers students the opportunity to play
Precondition: Staff has loaded the game

Main Success scenario:

  1. User successfully starts the game
  2. User presses ‘Start’ on title screen
  3. The game environment is loaded
  4. The tutorial is displayed on the screen to explain the controls and aim of the game
  5. User successfully moves around the environment and gains points
  6. User completes side mission/task to sail over a shape on the lake and gains points and loot.
  7. User attacks college and gets points
  8. User captures college user get loot and becomes a friendly base
  9. User attacks next college and gets points
  10. User captures next college and gets loot and becomes a friendly base
  11. User returns to home college to deposit loot and end the game.
  12. User has won.

    Secondary scenario:

    (5.1) User quits game early so presses restart for the next player to start.

    Success postcondition: Display end result and Reset button displayed
