York Pirates!

Bass2 - Engineering 1 - Team 14

Information about the planning of the project can be found here in the form of Gantt Charts and Trello screenshots.

Gantt Charts

Main Main Gantt Chart

Planning Planning Gantt Chart

Requirements Requirements Gantt Chart

Design Design Gantt Chart

Implementation Implementation Gantt Chart

Trello Board


Screenshots of our Trello board throughout the project will be listed here, to show how our project plan progressed over time. Weeks are from the start of the project.

Week 1 Week 1

Week 2 Week 2

Week 3 Week 3

Week 4 Week 4

Week 5 Week 5


During the Implementation stage of our project, we first came up with tasks as shown in the trello above. However, as we moved ahead, we decided that it would be better to have a separate trello just for implementation so that more detailed tasks could be added and chosen by team members to implement. These trello’s are shown below:

Week 5 5.1 Week 5 5.2 Week 5 5.3 Week 5 5.4 Week 5 5.5 Week 5 5.6 Week 5 5.7 Week 5 5.8 Week 5 5.9 Week 5 5.10 Week 5 5.11