Coverage Summary for Class: CannonBall (

Class Class, % Method, % Line, %
CannonBall 100% (1/1) 100% (11/11) 100% (38/38)

1 package; 2  3 import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; 4 import; 5 import; 6 import; 7 import; 8 import; 9 import; 10 import; 11 import; 12 import; 13 import; 14 import; 15  16 import static com.mygdx.utils.Constants.TILE_SIZE; 17  18 /** 19  * Cannonball entity and the methods to get it flying. 20  */ 21 public class CannonBall extends Entity implements CollisionCallBack { 22  private static float speed; 23  private boolean toggleLife; 24  private static final int MAX_AGE = 5; 25  private Entity shooter; // Changed for Assessment 2, type switched from Ship to Entity 26  27  /** 28  * Constructs the cannonball object by generating components 29  */ 30  public CannonBall() { 31  super(3); 32  setName("ball"); 33  toggleLife = false; 34  Transform t = new Transform(); 35  t.setPosition(-100, 100); 36  t.setScale(0.5f, 0.5f); 37  Renderable r = new Renderable(4, "ball", RenderLayer.Transparent); 38  RigidBody rb = new RigidBody(PhysicsBodyType.Dynamic, r, t, true); 39  rb.setCallback(this); 40  41  addComponents(t, r, rb); 42  43  speed = GameManager.getSettings().get("starting").getFloat("cannonSpeed"); 44  r.hide(); 45  } 46  47  /** 48  * Called once per frame 49  */ 50  @Override 51  public void update() { 52  super.update(); 53  removeOnCollision(); 54  } 55  56  /** 57  * Removes the cannonball offscreen once it hits a target. 58  */ 59  private void removeOnCollision() { 60  if (toggleLife) { 61  getComponent(Renderable.class).hide(); 62  Transform t = getComponent(Transform.class); 63  t.setPosition(10000, 10000); 64  65  RigidBody rb = getComponent(RigidBody.class); 66  rb.setPosition(t.getPosition()); 67  rb.setVelocity(0, 0); 68  toggleLife = false; 69  } 70  /*else{ 71  age += EntityManager.getDeltaTime(); 72  } 73  if(age > MAX_AGE) { 74  age = 0; 75  kill(); 76  }*/ 77  } 78  79  /** 80  * Teleport the cannonball in from offscreen and send in flying away from the ship. 81  * 82  * @param pos 2D vector location from where it sets off 83  * @param dir 2D vector direction for its movement 84  * @param sender ship entity firing it 85  */ 86  public void fire(Entity sender, Vector2 pos, Vector2 dir) { 87  Transform t = getComponent(Transform.class); 88  t.setPosition(pos); 89  90  RigidBody rb = getComponent(RigidBody.class); 91  Vector2 ta = dir.cpy().scl(speed * EntityManager.getDeltaTime()); 92  Vector2 o = new Vector2(TILE_SIZE * t.getScale().x, TILE_SIZE * t.getScale().y); 93  Vector2 v = ta.cpy().sub(o); 94  95  rb.setVelocity(v); 96  97  getComponent(Renderable.class).show(); 98  shooter = sender; 99  } 100  101  /** 102  * Marks cannonball for removal on next update. 103  */ 104  public void kill() { 105  toggleLife = true; 106  } 107  108  /** 109  * Added for Assessment 2 110  * @return The Faction of the Pirate Component attached to this entity 111  */ 112  public Faction getFaction() { 113  return shooter.getComponent(Pirate.class).getFaction(); 114  } 115  116  /** 117  * Added for Assessment 2 118  * @return the damage dealt by the unit shooting this cannonball 119  */ 120  public Float getAttackDmg() { 121  return shooter.getComponent(Pirate.class).getAttackDmg(); 122  } 123  124  /** 125  * `unused` 126  */ 127  @Override 128  public void BeginContact(CollisionInfo info) { 129  130  } 131  132  /** 133  * `unused` 134  */ 135  @Override 136  public void EndContact(CollisionInfo info) { 137  138  } 139  140  /** 141  * `unused` 142  */ 143  @Override 144  public void EnterTrigger(CollisionInfo info) { 145  146  } 147  148  /** 149  * `unused` 150  */ 151  @Override 152  public void ExitTrigger(CollisionInfo info) { 153  154  } 155  156  // public Entity getShooter() { 157  // return shooter; 158  // } 159 }