Coverage Summary for Class: Building (

Class Class, % Method, % Line, %
Building 100% (1/1) 100% (9/9) 100% (34/34)

1 package; 2  3 import; 4 import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; 5 import; 6 import; 7 import; 8 import; 9 import; 10 import; 11 import; 12 import; 13 import; 14 import; 15  16 import static com.mygdx.utils.Constants.BUILDING_SCALE; 17  18 /** 19  * Buildings that you see in game. 20  * Changed for Assessment 2 (made class public) 21  */ 22 public class Building extends Entity implements CollisionCallBack { 23  private String buildingName; 24  private static int atlas_id; 25  private boolean isFlag; 26  private final College college; //Added for Assessment 2 27  28  /** 29  * Flags are indestructible and mark college locations. 30  * Amended for Assessment 2: Added College parameter to keep track of parent 31  * @param college added to signify ownership of building 32  */ 33  public Building(College college) { 34  super(); 35  isFlag = false; 36  Transform t = new Transform(); 37  t.setScale(BUILDING_SCALE, BUILDING_SCALE); 38  Pirate p = new Pirate(); 39  atlas_id = ResourceManager.getId("Buildings.txt"); 40  Renderable r = new Renderable(atlas_id, "big", RenderLayer.Transparent); 41  addComponents(t, p, r); 42 = college; 43  } 44  45  /** 46  * Flags are indestructible and mark college locations. 47  * Amended for Assessment 2: Added College parameter to keep track of parent 48  * @param isFlag set to true to create a flag 49  */ 50  Building(College college, boolean isFlag) { 51  this(college); 52  this.isFlag = isFlag; 53  } 54  55  /** 56  * Creates a building with the given name at the specified location. 57  * 58  * @param pos 2D position vector 59  * @param name name of building 60  */ 61  public void create(Vector2 pos, String name) { 62  Sprite s = ResourceManager.getSprite(atlas_id, name); 63  Renderable r = getComponent(Renderable.class); 64  r.setTexture(s); 65  getComponent(Transform.class).setPosition(pos); 66  buildingName = name; 67  68  RigidBody rb = new RigidBody(PhysicsBodyType.Static, r, getComponent(Transform.class)); 69  rb.setCallback(this); 70  addComponent(rb); 71  } 72  73  /** 74  * Replace the building with ruins and mark as broken. 75  * Changed for Assessment 2 76  * - Made public for testing purposes 77  * - Sets destroyer as parent college's most recent attacker. 78  */ 79  public void destroy(Faction conqueror) { 80  if (isFlag) { 81  return; 82  } 83  Sprite s = ResourceManager.getSprite(atlas_id, buildingName + "-broken"); 84  Renderable r = getComponent(Renderable.class); 85  r.setTexture(s); 86  getComponent(Pirate.class).kill(); 87  college.setMostRecentAttacker(conqueror); 88  } 89  90  /** 91  * @return the boolean value of the alive status of the Pirate Component 92  */ 93  public boolean isAlive() { 94  return getComponent(Pirate.class).isAlive(); 95  } 96  97  /** 98  * Destroys the building and marks cannonball for removal. 99  * Amended for Assessment 2, added Faction checks and now ignores flags 100  * @param info CollisionInfo container 101  */ 102  @Override 103  public void EnterTrigger(CollisionInfo info) { 104  if (info.a instanceof CannonBall && isAlive() && !isFlag) { 105  CannonBall a = (CannonBall) info.a; 106  if(a.getFaction() != college.getFaction()){ 107  destroy(a.getFaction()); 108  } 109  a.kill(); 110  } 111  } 112  113  /** 114  * Unused 115  */ 116  @Override 117  public void BeginContact(CollisionInfo info) {} 118  119  /** 120  * Unused 121  */ 122  @Override 123  public void EndContact(CollisionInfo info) {} 124  125  /** 126  * Unused 127  */ 128  @Override 129  public void ExitTrigger(CollisionInfo info) { 130  131  } 132 }