Coverage Summary for Class: Transform (

Class Class, % Method, % Line, %
Transform 100% (1/1) 60% (9/15) 66.7% (18/27)

1 package; 2  3 import; 4 import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; 5 import com.mygdx.utils.Utilities; 6  7 /** 8  * Position, Scale, Rotation (in radians clockwise) 9  */ 10 public class Transform extends Component implements Location<Vector2> { 11  private final Vector2 position; 12  private final Vector2 scale; 13  private float rotation; 14  15  /** 16  * position = (0, 0) 17  * scale = (0, 0) 18  * rotation = 0 19  * rot not used but easy to add functionality for 20  */ 21  public Transform() { 22  position = new Vector2(); 23  scale = new Vector2(1, 1); 24  rotation = 0; 25  type = ComponentType.Transform; 26  } 27  28  /** 29  * Set position associated with the Transform component. 30  * 31  * @param pos 2D vector specifying the position 32  * @param rb true to pass on the position to the parent's RigidBody 33  */ 34  public void setPosition(Vector2 pos, boolean rb) { 35  setPosition(pos.x, pos.y, rb); 36  } 37  38  /** 39  * Set position associated with the Transform component. 40  * 41  * @param x coordinate 42  * @param y coordinate 43  * @param rb_ true to pass on the position to the parent's RigidBody 44  */ 45  public void setPosition(float x, float y, boolean rb_) { 46  position.set(x, y); 47  if (parent != null && rb_) { 48  RigidBody rb = parent.getComponent(RigidBody.class); 49  if (rb != null) { 50  rb.setPosition(position); 51  } 52  } 53  } 54  55  /** 56  * Set position associated with the Transform component. 57  * 58  * @param pos 2D vector specifying the position 59  */ 60  public void setPosition(Vector2 pos) { 61  setPosition(pos.x, pos.y); 62  } 63  64  /** 65  * Set position associated with the Transform component. 66  * 67  * @param x coordinate 68  * @param y coordinate 69  */ 70  public void setPosition(float x, float y) { 71  position.set(x, y); 72  if (parent != null) { 73  RigidBody rb = parent.getComponent(RigidBody.class); 74  if (rb != null) { 75  rb.setPosition(position); 76  } 77  } 78  } 79  80  /** 81  * Sets the scale of the component 82  * @param x the x dimension 83  * @param y the y dimension 84  */ 85  public void setScale(float x, float y) { 86  scale.set(x, y); 87  } 88  89  /** 90  * @param rot in Radians 91  */ 92  public void setRotation(float rot) { 93  rotation = rot; 94  } 95  96  /** 97  * @return the position of the component on the grid 98  */ 99  public Vector2 getPosition() { 100  return position; 101  } 102  103  /** 104  * @return the orientation of the component `unused` 105  */ 106  @Override 107  public float getOrientation() { 108  return 0; 109  } 110  111  /** 112  * @param orientation the float value to set the orientation of the component to `unused` 113  */ 114  @Override 115  public void setOrientation(float orientation) {} 116  117  /** 118  * Return new angle in radians from input vector. 119  * @param vector 2D vector 120  * @return the vector as an angle 121  */ 122  @Override 123  public float vectorToAngle(Vector2 vector) { 124  return Utilities.vectorToAngle(vector); 125  } 126  127  /** 128  * Return new vector combining input vector with input angle in radians. 129  * @param outVector 2D vector 130  * @param angle in radians 131  * @return the angle as a vector 132  */ 133  @Override 134  public Vector2 angleToVector(Vector2 outVector, float angle) { 135  return Utilities.angleToVector(outVector, angle); 136  } 137  138  /** 139  * @return a Transform object at a new location 140  */ 141  @Override 142  public Location<Vector2> newLocation() { 143  return new Transform(); 144  } 145  146  /** 147  * @return the scale of this object 148  */ 149  public Vector2 getScale() { 150  return scale; 151  } 152  153  /** 154  * @return the angle of this object in radians 155  */ 156  public float getRotation() { 157  return rotation; 158  } 159  160  //public void setScale(Vector2 pos) { 161  // scale.set(pos); 162  // } 163  164  // public Vector2 getCenter() { 165  // RigidBody rb = parent.getComponent(RigidBody.class); 166  // if (rb == null) { 167  // return getPosition(); 168  // } 169  // return rb.getBody().getWorldCenter(); 170  // } 171 }