Coverage Summary for Class: TileMap (

Class Class, % Method, % Line, %
TileMap 0% (0/1) 0% (0/7) 0% (0/16)

1 package; 2  3 import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMap; 4 import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMapRenderer; 5 import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMapTileLayer; 6 import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.renderers.OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer; 7 import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; 8 import; 9 import; 10 import; 11  12 import static com.mygdx.utils.Constants.TILE_SIZE; 13  14 /** 15  * Component that allows the rendering of tile-maps (has its own sprite batch) 16  */ 17 public class TileMap extends Component { 18  TiledMap map; 19  TiledMapRenderer renderer; 20  21  /** 22  * Sets up the base values of the TileMap component 23  */ 24  private TileMap() { 25  super(); 26  type = ComponentType.TileMap; 27  // CollisionManager.addTileMap(this); 28  } 29  30  /** 31  * @param id resource id of the tilemap 32  * @param layer rendering layer 33  */ 34  public TileMap(int id, RenderLayer layer) { 35  this(); 36  map = ResourceManager.getTileMap(id); 37  renderer = new OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer(map); 38  RenderingManager.addItem(this, layer); 39  40  TILE_SIZE = getTileDim().x; 41  } 42  43  /** 44  * @return the dimensions of the tilemap 45  */ 46  public Vector2 getTileDim() { 47  return new Vector2( 48  ((TiledMapTileLayer) map.getLayers().get(0)).getTileWidth(), 49  ((TiledMapTileLayer) map.getLayers().get(0)).getTileHeight()); 50  } 51  52  /** 53  * @return the map attached to this object 54  */ 55  public TiledMap getTileMap() { 56  return map; 57  } 58  59  /** 60  * Updates the renderer's view with the rendering camera 61  */ 62  @Override 63  public void update() { 64  super.update(); 65  renderer.setView(RenderingManager.getCamera()); 66  } 67  68  /** 69  * draws the first 2 layers 70  */ 71  @Override 72  public void render() { 73  super.render(); 74  renderer.render(new int[]{0, 1}); 75  } 76  77  /** 78  * Calls the Clean-Up function of the Component class 79  */ 80  @Override 81  public void cleanUp() { 82  super.cleanUp(); 83  } 84  85  //public TiledMapTileLayer.Cell getCell(Vector2 pos) { 86  // Vector2 p = pos.cpy(); 87  // TiledMapTileLayer l = (TiledMapTileLayer) map.getLayers().get(1); 88  // p.x /= l.getTileWidth(); 89  // p.y /= l.getTileHeight(); 90  // 91  // return l.getCell((int) p.x, (int) p.y); 92  // } 93 }