Coverage Summary for Class: RigidBody (

Class Method, % Line, %
RigidBody 92.9% (13/14) 98.3% (57/58)
RigidBody$1 100% (1/1) 100% (1/1)
Total 93.3% (14/15) 98.3% (58/59)

1 package; 2  3 import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; 4 import com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.*; 5 import; 6 import; 7 import; 8  9 /** 10  * Defines parameters related to collisions of sprites. 11  */ 12 public class RigidBody extends Component { 13  int bodyId; 14  private final Vector2 halfDim; 15  16  /** 17  * Sets up the base values of the RigidBody component 18  */ 19  public RigidBody() { 20  super(); 21  type = ComponentType.RigidBody; 22  halfDim = new Vector2(); 23  setRequirements(ComponentType.Transform, ComponentType.Renderable); 24  } 25  26  /** 27  * Calls constructor with is trigger false 28  * 29  * @param type defines how it interacts with other objects 30  * @param r used for creating the fixture (aka the collider) 31  * @param t used for positioning and scaling the collider 32  */ 33  public RigidBody(PhysicsBodyType type, Renderable r, Transform t) { 34  this(type, r, t, false); 35  } 36  37  /** 38  * Can create body that is trigger or callable 39  * 40  * @param type defines how it interacts with other objects 41  * @param r used for creating the fixture (aka the collider) 42  * @param t used for positioning and scaling the collider 43  * @param isTrigger false allows for collision true doesn't 44  */ 45  public RigidBody(PhysicsBodyType type, Renderable r, Transform t, boolean isTrigger) { 46  this(); 47  BodyDef def = new BodyDef(); 48  switch (type) { 49  case Static: 50  def.type = BodyDef.BodyType.StaticBody; 51  break; 52  case Dynamic: 53  def.type = BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody; 54  break; 55  case Kinematic: 56  def.type = BodyDef.BodyType.KinematicBody; 57  break; 58  } 59  float h_x = r.sprite.getWidth() * 0.5f; 60  float h_y = r.sprite.getHeight() * 0.5f; 61  halfDim.set(h_x, h_y); 62  63  def.position.set(t.getPosition().x, t.getPosition().y); //Removed halfDim addition for Assessment 2 64  h_x *= t.getScale().x; 65  h_y *= t.getScale().y; 66  67  def.angle = t.getRotation(); 68  69  PolygonShape shape = new PolygonShape(); 70  shape.setAsBox(h_x, h_y); 71  72  FixtureDef f = new FixtureDef(); 73  f.isSensor = isTrigger; 74  f.shape = shape; 75  f.density = type == PhysicsBodyType.Static ? 0.0f : 1.0f; 76  f.restitution = 0; // prevents bouncing 77  f.friction = 0; 78  79  bodyId = PhysicsManager.createBody(def, f, null); 80  81  shape.dispose(); 82  } 83  84  /** 85  * Adds a new circular fixture to the body as a trigger 86  */ 87  public void addTrigger(float radius, Object data) { 88  Body b = getBody(); 89  90  FixtureDef fDef = new FixtureDef(); 91  fDef.isSensor = true; 92  CircleShape shape = new CircleShape(); 93  shape.setRadius(radius); 94  95  fDef.shape = shape; 96  97  fDef.density = 0.0f; 98  fDef.restitution = 0.0f; 99  fDef.friction = 0.0f; 100  101  Fixture f = b.createFixture(fDef); 102  f.setUserData(data); 103  } 104  105  /** 106  * Is used during collision phase to add more functionality 107  * @param data class that inherits from CollisionCallBack 108  */ 109  public void setCallback(CollisionCallBack data) { 110  getBody().setUserData(data); 111  } 112  113  public void setVelocity(Vector2 vel) { 114  Body b = PhysicsManager.getBody(bodyId); 115  b.setLinearVelocity(vel); 116  } 117  118  public void setVelocity(float x, float y) { 119  setVelocity(new Vector2(x, y)); 120  } 121  122  /** 123  * Sets the center pos of the object 124  */ 125  public void setPosition(Vector2 position) { 126  Body b = PhysicsManager.getBody(bodyId); 127  /* Removed in Assessment 2 128  if (offset) { 129  position.add(halfDim); 130  } 131  */ 132  b.setTransform(position, 0); 133  } 134  135  /** 136  * Gets the current player position. 137  * // Change for Assessment 2 // 138  * @return player position. 139  */ 140  public Vector2 getPosition(){ 141  Body b = getBody(); 142  return b.getTransform().getPosition(); 143  } 144  145  /** 146  * @return the Body of this object 147  */ 148  public Body getBody() { 149  return PhysicsManager.getBody(bodyId); 150  } 151  152  /** 153  * Called every frame translates the transform to match with the box2d body's position factoring offset 154  */ 155  @Override 156  public void update() { 157  super.update(); 158  // parent.getComponent(Transform.class).setPosition(PhysicsManager.getBody(bodyId).getPosition()); 159  Transform t = parent.getComponent(Transform.class); 160  Body b = getBody(); 161  Vector2 p = b.getPosition().cpy(); 162  //p.sub(halfDim); //Removed in Assessment 2 163  t.setPosition(p, false); 164  } 165  166  /** 167  * @return the Linear Velocity of this object 168  */ 169  public Vector2 getVelocity() { 170  return getBody().getLinearVelocity(); 171  } 172  173  /** 174  * @return the Angular Velocity of this object 175  */ 176  public float getAngularVelocity() { 177  return getBody().getAngularVelocity(); 178  } 179  180  /** 181  * @param force the force to apply to the center of the object 182  */ 183  public void applyForce(Vector2 force) { 184  getBody().applyForceToCenter(force, true); 185  } 186 }