
Requirements documentation from Assessment 1:

A) Elicitation of requirements

  1. The provided product brief indicated the overall goals and intentions of the finished product and contained general descriptions of its desired functionality
  2. Group brainstorming session was held to compare our interpretations of the brief and to raise a list of questions to address to the customer
  3. In a group meeting with the customer, answers to the questions and any other customer comments were detailed in informal meeting notes.
  4. Recorded info was formalised as a set of user requirements.
  5. User requirements were distilled down into more specific functional and non-functional requirements.
    1. Functional requirements detailed concrete, specific functionality and capabilities of the product as related to its software implementation.
    2. Non-functional requirements captured the performative characteristics of the completed product as a whole which could be perceived by the user or tester.
  6. Resulting functional and non-functional requirements were closely evaluated for possible risks to their implementation; these were detailed within the risk register.

Research into requirement specification and presentation

B) Requirements Tables

| ID | Description | Priority | | — | — | — | | UR_PLATFORM | The user shall use a standard laptop PC to play the game | High | | UR_GAME_INIT | The user shall begin a new game from an initial state | High | | UR_SHIP_CONTROL | The user shall control a ship sailing across the great Lake of York | High | | UR_COMPETING_COLLEGES | The user shall encounter at least 3 other colleges | Medium | | UR_LEARNING_CURVE | The user shall play the game without training | High | | UR_GAME_DURATION | The user shall be able to complete the game within a ~5 minute timespan | High | | UR_GAME_OBSERVABILITY | The game shall accomodate onlookers in the PCs surroundings | Low | | UR_FRIENDLY_SHIP_ENCOUNTER | The user shall encounter friendly NPC ships | Low | | UR_HOSTILE_SHIP_ENCOUNTER | The user shall encounter hostile NPC ships | Low | | UR_FIRE_WEAPONS | The user shall be able to fire weapons from the ship | High | | UR_BULLET_DODGE | The user shall be able to maneuver their ship to dodge fired munitions | Medium | | UR_HOSTILE_BUILDING_COMBAT | The user shall engage in combat with hostile buildings | Medium | | UR_HOSTILE_COLLEGE_CAPTURE | The user shall capture other colleges via combat | High | | UR_EARN_PLUNDER | The user shall earn plunder | High | | UR_EARN_XP | The user shall earn XP | High | | UR_QUEST_PROGRESS | The user shall progress through a series of quests | Medium | | UR_GAME_WIN | The user shall win the game through achieving an ultimate objective unlocked by the fulfilment of preceding requirements/quests | Medium | | UR_GAME_LOSE | The user shall lose the game through being defeated in combat | High | | UR_SHIP_COMBAT | The user should be able to engage in combat with other ships | High | | UR_OBSTACLE_ENCOUNTER | The user may encounter obstacles while sailing in game | High | | UR_WEATHER_ENCOUNTER | The user may encounter bad weather while sailing | High | | UR_SPEND_PLUNDER | The user should be able spend the plunder earned | High | | UR_POWER_UP | The user should be able to obtain power ups through either the shop or at random locations on the map. | High | | UR_DFCLTY_LVL | The user should be able to choose from 3 difficulty levels (e.g. easy, normal, hard) | High | | UR_GAME_SAVE | The user should be able to save the state of the game at any time and be able to resume it at a later point. | High |

Functional Requirements

| ID | Description | User requirement | Risks | Priority | | — | — | — | — | — | | FR_MENU_KB_INPUT | The game shall accept keyboard input for menu navigation | UR_PLATFORM | | Low | | FR_VIEWPORT_SCALING | The game shall render on a 13”-27” monitor | UR_PLATFORM | R5 | High | | FR_MIN_FPS | The game shall render at a minimum of 30 FPS | UR_PLATFORM | R6 | High | | FR_CROSS_PLATFORM_WIN | The game shall be playable on Windows | UR_PLATFORM | | High | | FR_CROSS_PLATFORM_MAC | The game shall be playable on Mac OS | UR_PLATFORM | | Low | | FR_CROSS_PLATFORM_GNU_LINUX | The game shall be playable on GNU/Linux | UR_PLATFORM | | Low | | FR_GAME_RESET | The game shall allow restarting play from an initial configuration | UR_GAME_INIT | | High | | FR_SHIP_KB_INPUT | The game shall accept keyboard input for ship control | UR_SHIP_CONTROL | | High | | FR_COLLEGE_ENTITY_TRACKING | The game shall keep track of ships and buildings for a minimum of 3 distinct factions | UR_COMPETING_COLLEGES | | High | | FR_FRIENDLY_AI | The game shall control the actions of friendly ships | UR_FRIENDLY_SHIP_ENCOUNTER | | Low | | FR_HOSTILE_AI | The game shall control the actions of enemy ships | UR_HOSTILE_SHIP_ENCOUNTER | R1, R3 | Medium | | FR_PLAYER_FIRE | The game shall enable the user to fire ship weapons | UR_FIRE_WEAPONS | | High | | FR_PLAYER_HEALTH | The game shall mantain the state of the users’ health points | UR_SHIP_COMBAT | | Medium | | FR_PLAYER_AMMO | The game shall maintain the state of the user’s ship armament and ammunition | UR_FIRE_WEAPONS | | High | | FR_BULLET_TRAVEL | The game shall render the travel of a ship’s fired munition | UR_BULLET_DODGE | R2 | High | | FR_PLUNDER_TRACKING | The game shall keep track of a player’s plunder | UR_EARN_PLUNDER, UR_SPEND_PLUNDER | | High | | FR_PLUNDER_UPDATE | The game shall reward plunder on success in quests and encounters | UR_EARN_PLUNDER | | High | | FR_XP_UPDATE | The game shall give XP with time survived and obstacles navigated | UR_EARN_XP | | Medium | | FR_XP_TRACKING | The game shall keep track of a player’s XP | UR_EARN_XP | | High | | FR_XP_UPDATE | The game shall give XP on successful combat encounters completed | UR_EARN_XP | | Medium | | FR_QUEST_TRACKING | The game shall maintain the state of the user’s progress through multiple objectives | UR_QUEST_PROGRESS | | High | | FR_QUEST_RANDOMISE | The game shall randomise user’s objectives between different playthroughs | UR_QUEST_PROGRESS | | Medium | | FR_QUEST_OBJECTIVE | The game shall associate quest objectives with game entities | UR_QUEST_PROGRESS | | Medium | | FR_PLAYER_DEFEAT | The game shall display game stats upon player defeat | UR_GAME_LOSE | | Low | | FR_SCENARIO_FAIL | The game shall display game stats upon game over scenario completion | UR_GAME_LOSE | | Low | |FR_PLAYER_DAMAGE| The game shall track damage that the player takes and adjust the displayed health accordingly | UR_HOSTILE_BUILDING_COMBAT UR_SHIP_COMBAT | | Medium | | FR_ENEMY_SHIP_DAMAGE | The game shall track damage dealt to enemy ships | UR_SHIP_COMBAT | | Medium | | FR_OBSTACLE_SHOW | The game shall render obstacles for the player to encounter | UR_OBSTACLE_ENCOUNTER | | Medium | | FR_OBSTACLE_HIT | The game shall deal damage to the user when the user hits an obstacle | UR_OBSTACLE_ENCOUNTER | | Medium | | FR_WEATHER_SHOW | The game shall render weather events for the player to encounter | UR_WEATHER_ENCOUNTER | | Medium | | FR_WEATHER_HIT | The game shall deal damage to the user when the user enters a weather event | UR_WEATHER_ENCOUNTER | | Medium | | FR_PLUNDER_SPEND | The game shall allow users to spend plunder in exchange for benefits to the player | UR_SPEND_PLUNDER | | Low |
| FR_POWER_UP | The game shall boost certain elements of the gameplay such as speed, weapons and damage when the user collects a power-up| UR_POWER_UP | | Medium | | FR_DFCLTY_CHANGE | The game shall allow users to change the difficulty setting before the game starts| UR_DFCLTY_LVL | | Low | | FR_DFCLTY_DFRNCE | The game shall adjust elements of the gameplay (speed of enemies, health, damage dealing etc.) according to the difficulty level | UR_DFCLTY_LVL Low | | FR_SAVE_GAME_STATE | The game shall save the state of the game at any point when the user clicks ‘save’ | UR_GAME_SAVE | R9 | Medium | | FR_LOAD_GAME | The game shall be able to load the game from the same point at which it was saved | UR_GAME_SAVE | R9 | Medium

Non-Functional Requirements

ID Description User requirement Fit criteria Risks Priority
NFR_SHIP_COLLISIONS The game shall detect collisions between different ships UR_HOSTILE_SHIP_ENCOUNTER Distance between drawn assets <5px R4 High
NFR_WORLD_COLLISIONS The game shall detect collisions between ships and world objects UR_COMPETING_COLLEGES Distance between drawn assets <5px   High
NFR_BULLET_COLLISIONS The game shall detect collisions between game entities and fired munitions UR_BULLET_DODGE Distance between drawn assets <5px   High
NFR_USER_INPUT_LAG The game shall be responsive to user input UR_SHIP_CONTROL Input lag <200ms   High
NFR_AI_LAG NPC actions’ responsiveness shall approximate that of player actions UR_HOSTILE_SHIP_ENCOUNTER AI response time <200ms R3 Low
NFR_RENDER_SMOOTHNESS The game world shall render smoothly during player movement UR_SHIP_CONTROL Visual render lag <200ms R8 Medium
NFR_COLOURBLINDNESS Game map and assets should be distinguishable by a colourblind person UR_PLATFORM Subjective screenshot test via colourblind accessibility evaluation app   Medium
NFR_EASE_OF_USE The game shall be self-explainable and feature obvious controls UR_LEARNING_CURVE Tester must be able to pick up and play with no prior instruction   High
NFR_GAME_DURATION The game shall finish within ~5 mins in a win or loss for the player UR_GAME_DURATION Tester must reach the game stats screen within 4-6 mins   Medium
NFR_LARGE_ASSETS The game assets shall be large enough to observe from several metre’s distance away on a standard laptop PC screen UR_GAME_OBSERVABILITY Observer standing 2m away should be able to answer questions about gameplay state   Medium